St. Bernadette Catholic Primary School

St. Bernadette Catholic Primary School

Learning to grow in knowledge, faith and love
through friendship with Jesus and Mary

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Other statutory documents can be found on the ASCAT Website.

School Policies

Trust Policies

Staff Code of Conduct

Anti Bullying and Anti Harassment

Health & Safety PolicyOnline safety policy

CP & Safeguarding Policy

Data Protection PolicyConfidentiality policy 
Risk Management PolicyLettings policyFinanceAnti fraud and corruptionPrevent DutySafer RecruitmentTendering & ProcurementEmployee Referral schemeCharging & Remissions PolicyInvestment PolicyPay PolicyPrivacy notice for staffPrivacy Notice Governors and TrusteesPrivacy Notice Primary Pupil DataPrivacy Notices Contractors and VisitorsPrivacy Notices RecruitmentWhistleblowingCCTVSchool Conditions AllocationReserves PolicyConflicts of InterestComplaints PolicyData Retention policyAcquisition & Disposal of Fixed Assets PolicyRedundancyECT PolicyFile Sharing & TransferLooked after childrenAttendance & Punctuality StatementTrustee allowancesEqual opportunities in EmploymentCareer BreakMediaExpenses PolicyAdditional HoursLeave of AbsenceLGPS Data RetentionCapability PolicyDisciplinary PolicyPerformance Management Policy SSPerformance Management Policy TSSicknessBusiness ContinuityBusiness Charge cardDrugs Alcohol & GamblingGrievance PolicyProbationRelationships at workStaff Induction policyAdoption LeaveFlexible workingMaternityShared Parental Leave (Birth)Shared Parental Leave (Adoption)BereavementMenopauseCarerPaternity

Scheme of Delegation 


All Saints Catholic Academy Trust (ASCAT)

Formed in 2016, as part of the Diocese of Westminster's Academy Strategy, we provide a collaborative structure of school support and innovation for Catholic schools in South West Hertfordshire. Our vision of an 'Outstanding Education for All' comes from this desire to enable all members of school communities to flourish and succeed and to do all that we can to make our schools places where ambition for all is at the heart of everything that we do.

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